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Home Cloud Development
Service We Deliver

Custom Cloud Application Development Services

For Mobile App companies, F10 Software Solutions offers custom cloud application development services such as cloud integration, security, backup, migration, and more.

Google Cloud Solutions

Enhance your existing business software by seamlessly integrating it with Google Cloud-based applications. This integration boosts your entire IT infrastructure’s robustness, reliability, and cost-efficiency.


cloud security service
Cloud Security Services

Implement robust security protocols, including SSL/TLS, end-to-end encryption, 2FA authentication, private keys, API credentials, password protection, and more to ensure the safety of your data.


cloud backup service
Cloud Backup Services

We design comprehensive cloud-based data protection, backup, and recovery solutions hosted in our secure off-site data centers, colocation facilities, or hybrid server setups. These solutions ensure the safety and accessibility of your data.


cloud migration service
Cloud Migration Services

F10 Software Solutions seamlessly migrates your databases, servers, business applications, and processes to a cloud platform tailored to your business, industry, and workflow requirements.


cloud computing architecture
Cloud Computing Architecture

We utilize enterprise service buses and service-oriented architectures to streamline data flows and publish your APIs in the cloud, enabling seamless third-party integrations.


Cloud App Containerization

We utilize app containerization to abstract operating system kernels, ensuring consistent performance for multiple cloud-based applications across different deployment environments.


What We Do

Custom Intelligent Cloud App Solutions

F10 engineers tailor-made intelligent cloud app solutions for businesses leveraging AI-powered software, IoT technologies, and big data storage for their core processes.

AI Cloud Solutions

We harness AI software in cloud environments to build cloud machine learning platforms, deploy intelligent chatbots, optimize external cloud storage data, and much more.

IoT Cloud Solutions

We merge IoT capabilities with cloud technology to develop robust, highly functional cloud IoT solutions that support connected applications, drive industrial operations, and beyond.

Big Data Cloud Storage Solutions

We harness the potential of cloud computing to optimize big data storage processing and visualization, adapting to varying data volumes, velocities, and varieties to align with business requirements.

Certified Partnerships
Graphic Design
Tailored Solutions
Expertise and Access
Creative Minds
Innovative Approach
Our Company

F10 Software Solutions Cloud App Development Partnerships

F10 Solutions boasts certified partnerships with AWS, Azure, and Oracle, granting us unparalleled expertise and access to robust cloud application Software Development Toolkit (SDK) resources essential for propelling businesses to new heights.

AWS Cloud App Development

We seamlessly integrate AWS with your current business systems, guaranteeing the utmost durability, security, and accessibility for all designated members of your organization within your cloud application.

Microsoft Azure Cloud App Development

Achieve high-performance standards and effortlessly manage mission-critical business operations by allowing our development teams to integrate Azure with your current business systems.

Oracle Cloud App Development

Utilizing the Oracle Integration Cloud Services (ICS) platform and various app adapters like FTP, SOAP, JMS, and more, we seamlessly perform integrations with cloud-based applications.